Re: [Tracker] TrackerFs First "Version"

Il giorno ven, 17/11/2006 alle 03.48 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha
Le jeudi 16 novembre 2006 Ã 17:36 +0100, Eugenio Cutolo a Ãcrit :
Hi,  I have see again and corrected the trackerfs if you want to put
it on cvs

In the command line:
  $ /mountpoint search="hello"
I found the way the parameter search is introduced a little bit
exotic. :-)
I would prefer two ways to do that:
  $ /mountpoint --search "hello hiii"
  $ /mountpoint -s "hello hiii"
if "-s" can be used.

Or one more   :-)
  $ /mountpoint --search="hello hiii"

This one should be less easy to parse:
  $ /mountpoint --search "hello" "hiii"

To match tracker-tag it should be

        ... -s hello -s hiii
        ... --search=hello --search=hiii
This because tracker-tag is based on Goption: you can specify different
tags to add, remove or search at a time, but you can't add them to a
single -[ars] option. You have to specify a -[ars] option for each tag.
        ... -a "hello hiii"
with tracker-tag will add the single "hello hiii" tag, not the tag
"hello" and the tag "hii"

Instead, to match tracker-search, it should be

        ... --mount=MOUNTPOINT hello hii
        ... -m MOUNTPOINT hellp hii

What about beaglefs and other FUSE stuff? Here is a standard?

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