Re: [Tracker] Announcing Daze: The Desktop Annotation Zebra

2006/11/15, David Nielsen <david lovesunix net>:
man, 13 11 2006 kl. 23:13 +0100, skrev Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen:
> I just released a small note-taking/annotation tool for Gnome. It uses
> tracker to store all state, so has zero memory footprint (unlike
> another well known note application).
> Read more at my blog:

Being a big Tomboy fan I'm wondering if this supports or will support
the cool wiki like note interlinking that makes Tomboy so useful.

Well, as a first shot I didn't plan for this. Right now Daze is partially a tracker tech demo.

I was thinking about reusing the html/rich text widget from the GnomeBlog panel applet, and then simply
ingesting the tomboy note files into tracker and use that. If somebody then wrote a tracker "backend" for tomboy everything would be fine and dandy...

My problem with exanding features is that Daze needs to be loading up really fast, since you start a new instance each time you activate it. Adding custom widgets, and thus lots of more code for Python to parse, might be a problematic in this regard... Only testing will tell...


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