Re: [Tracker] Updated shared metadata specification

2006/5/13, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> 2006/5/13, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk
> <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk >>:
>     Hi Ross,
>     I have updated the metadata spec at
>     Please review and let me know if you think anything is missing.
> For the beagle-live handler we needed the dublin core  "publisher"
> field. The publisher will in many cases != author, so I think this might
> be a valid field. However I don't know if it should be in the File class
> or what...
> In the deskbar case we needed it for displaying blog/rss feed
> descriptions like "dc:publisher\ndc:title", this makes sense for sites
> like slashdot fx. You will typically not be interested in who submitted
> the article to /. (that would be dc:author).

yes publisher sounds important - not sure if this data is embbeded
anywhere other than rss though. Is it generic enough to go in the file
class? Well I guess it will have to if there is no where else. (have
added it to spec)

Hmmm, I don't think it is embedded "cleanly anywhere". I added some addhoc ways for Beagle to extract it from Liferea and Blam indexes (and somebody else did it for Akregator).

> PS: You removed the dbus interface? Dare I ask  why..?

yes cause its not stable!

Oh, no shit :-D

Also I think a pure metadata spec is probably more suitable for
freedesktop at this stage. I imagine there will be seperate specs for
shared dbus interfaces for lots of things (music players, text editors,

Ah, right. Makes good sense then.

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