Re: [Tracker] Problems running tracker

Jose A. Ortega Ruiz wrote:

i was trying to make tracker work in my Debian unstable PPC. Since
there are no PPC debs available (to my knowledge), i've checked out
the CVS source tree and debuild-ed my own deb. Compilation goes OK, as
well as installing the deb. I can run tracker, which indexes the given
directory, and notices any changes in the indexed files. So far so
good. My problem is with the clients, tracker-{query,search}. Upon
invoking them (with trackerd running), they die immediately with the

Could not initialise Tracker - exiting...

CVS version is unstable - only use the tarball for the moment. I need to make changes to make clients work in CVS as I have *DRAMATICALLY* altered the Dbus interfaces recently.

...and i'm stuck here. The only strange thing i've seen is that, when
starting trackerd, it complains about not being able to connect to the
system dbus bus:

tracker_dbus_init() could not get the session bus

This is a Dbus problem and is not related to the CVS version.

I've tried to restart the dbus daemon to no avail. FWIW, i get exactly
the same behaviour using the 0.0.4 tarball. BTW, i'm not using gnome
or any other 'desktop', just plain sawfish (in case that matters).

I'd appreciate any hints on what i'm missing.

This is a dbus problem and AFAIK you need to make sure the dbus session is started on login (check /etc/X11/Xsession.d contains a dbus-launch script ).

You should also have dbus-launch running as a task for the user if it is.

If you still have problems try running dbus-monitor and dbus-viewer and see if you get any output. I assume you dont have any other dbus based apps working?

As an aside, once i got tracker working, i will write an emacs client
(something along the lines of namazu.el to begin with), unless someone
has already done it for me :)

okay cool

Mr Jamie McCracken

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