Re: [Tracker] Upcomming API review

2006/7/8, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel kamstrup gmail com>:
I did a review of the upcomming API and I generally find it really good. I have a few comments/questions though... - This is not a real critique, just loose ramblings :-)

Search interface:
 - I must admit I don't quite grok the Query method. It looks like powerful stuff, and is prolly just a documentation problem (or lack of braincells on my behalf)

Files interface:
 - Why would developers want to create a file at a specific size?
 - What is the advantages of creating files through tracker? To handle mime-stuff?

File signals:
 - There has been a lot of wishes for recursive watches with inotify but rlove has denied any patches. It does not look like Tracker can give recursive watches in this API - perhaps it will be a welcome addition?

Playlist interface:
 - Perhaps this interface can be replaced by a general list of first class objects? Maybe this is actually just a special form of tagging... Anyway just a thought :-)

I had another thought about Tracker usage... I'm posting to tracker-list just to make sure that the api can cover every possible use case I can think of :-)

What if Epiphany wants to use tracker to store bookmarks in? It would probably do something like this:

 1) Register WebBookmarks.url, WebBookmarks.title,, types if they are not already registered. Using GetRegisteredClasses() and checking if the array contains "WebBookmarks"??
FIXME: Do RegisterType() not need a service to create the type on? Anyway - we need a service name to Get the data later on...

2) Get all WebBookmarks with bookmark_id_array = Search.Metadata ("Bookmarks", " WebBookmarks.url", "*", 0, 512), for each id get all metadata with bookmark_data = Metadata.Get("what_service", id, "*"), finally store all bookmark_data objects in a gtk.TreeStore with corresponding Tracker ids.

3) Subscribe to the "Changed" signal on the Metadata interface and use dbus filtering on some property (fixme: what property?) to receive only WebBookmarks changes. Update the treemodel  when signal is received.

4) When the user edits bookmarks use Metadata.set (foo), FIXME: How do we create a new bookmark?

That should be all (modulo the fixmes),


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