Re: Patch: TnyGtkHeaderListModel showing only latest headers

>>>>> "Dape" == José Dapena Paz <jdapena igalia com> writes:

    Dape> 	Hi,
    Dape> 	This patch adds to the TnyGtkHeaderListModel a method that limits the
    Dape> number of messages loaded as treeview elements.

    Dape> 	It assumes the messages are stored in summary more or less by date
    Dape> (latest ones in summary would be more recent elements). But in case it
    Dape> finds other messages more recent than the ones in this "latest" set,
    Dape> then it will also show them. (in other words, it shows N latest and any
    Dape> message newer than those N latest).

Cool stuff Dape! Rock on!

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:djcb djcbsoftware nl 
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