Test patch: enable moving folders between different parent folders in demo ui


	This is a patch for testing purpose that allows moving a folder to a
different parent using "rename/remove folder" contextual menu option in
folders view.

	It works this way:
	* If you only put a name, it's the new name of the folder. No more than
	* If you put "/a/b/c" it will move the folder to folder b under folder
(which is root account), and rename it to "c".
	* If you put "../b" it will move the folder to be under the parent of
its current parent, and rename it to "b".

	This should help to check bugs caused by moving a folder to a different
parent of the same account, and then trying to open it.

	Just, if you want to test the issue moving folders have a rich folder
tree, with many messages in the folder you want to test moving. And just
move it to a different parent in the same account. And then, when the
folder is visible, take your time to open it and you'll see the crash.

Jose Dapena Paz <jdapena igalia com>
Index: tests/c-demo/tny-demoui-summary-view.c
--- tests/c-demo/tny-demoui-summary-view.c	(revisión: 3482)
+++ tests/c-demo/tny-demoui-summary-view.c	(copia de trabajo)
@@ -1123,6 +1123,67 @@
 	g_object_unref (mself);
+static void
+fetch_folder_store_from_path (const gchar *path, TnyFolder *origin, gchar **name, TnyFolderStore **into)
+	TnyFolderStore *origin_store;
+	*name = NULL;
+	*into = NULL;
+	if (path == NULL || path[0] == '\0') {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (path[0] == '/') {
+		origin_store = TNY_FOLDER_STORE (tny_folder_get_account (origin));
+		path++;
+	} else {
+		origin_store = tny_folder_get_folder_store (origin);
+	}
+	while (*path != '\0') {
+		char *slash_pos;
+		if (strncmp (path, "../", 3)== 0) {
+			if (!TNY_IS_ACCOUNT (origin_store)) {
+				TnyFolderStore *tmp;
+				tmp = tny_folder_get_folder_store (TNY_FOLDER (origin_store));
+				if (tmp) {
+					g_object_unref (origin_store);
+					origin_store = tmp;
+				}
+			}
+			path += 3;
+		} else if ((slash_pos = strstr (path, "/")) != NULL) {
+			TnyFolderStoreQuery *query;
+			TnyList *list;
+			gchar *folder_name;
+			query = tny_folder_store_query_new ();
+			folder_name = g_strndup (path, slash_pos - path);
+			tny_folder_store_query_add_item (query, folder_name, TNY_FOLDER_STORE_QUERY_OPTION_MATCH_ON_NAME);
+			g_free (folder_name);
+			list = tny_simple_list_new ();
+			tny_folder_store_get_folders (origin_store, list, query, NULL);
+			g_object_unref (query);
+			if (tny_list_get_length (list) == 1) {
+				TnyIterator *iter;
+				TnyFolderStore *tmp;
+				iter = tny_list_create_iterator (list);
+				tmp = TNY_FOLDER_STORE (tny_iterator_get_current (iter));
+				g_object_unref (origin_store);
+				origin_store = tmp;
+				g_object_unref (iter);
+			}
+			g_object_unref (list);
+			path = slash_pos + 1;
+		} else {
+			*name = g_strdup (path);
+			*into = origin_store;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
 static void 
 on_rename_folder_activate (GtkMenuItem *mitem, gpointer user_data)
@@ -1174,21 +1235,26 @@
 					gboolean move = (result == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
 					GError *err = NULL;
-					const gchar *newname = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry)));
+					gchar *entry_value = g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry)));
+					gchar *new_name;
 					TnyFolderStore *into;
 					clear_header_view (priv);
-					into = tny_folder_get_folder_store (folder);
+					fetch_folder_store_from_path (entry_value, folder, &new_name, &into);
 					gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
 					dialog = NULL;
-					tny_folder_copy_async (folder, into, newname, move, 
-						on_rename, NULL, g_object_ref (self));
+					if (new_name != NULL) {
-					g_free (newname);
+						tny_folder_copy_async (folder, into, new_name, move, 
+								       on_rename, NULL, g_object_ref (self));
+						g_free (new_name);
+					}
 					if (into)
 						g_object_unref (into);

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