API change in TnyGtkAccountTreeModel

This one probably affects Modest, Dirk.

The instance column of the tree isn't always a folder anymore. It can
also be a account instance. You can use the type column to known what
type of instance you'll get before asking for the instance:

gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
	&type, -1);

if (type == TNY_FOLDER_TYPE_ROOT) 
    TnyFolder *folder;

    gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
	&folder, -1);

    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (folder));
} else {
    TnyAccount *account;

    gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 
	&account, -1);

    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (account));

I have also created a TnyGtkAccountListModel and a TnyGtkFolderTreeModel

The TnyGtkAccountListModel can be used as for example the model for a
GtkComboBox (a flat list with accounts and no displaying of its folders
like what the TnyGtkAccountTreeModel does).

The idea is to also have a TnyGtkFolderTreeModel that will display a
TnyFolderStore. I might rename the current type to TnyFolderStore once I
get the concept actually working.

The idea is to make it possible to pick the get-folders method that the
type should use. Which can then be the async or the sync one. The async
one would then, upon expanding the row of the tree, launch a background
thread which will in GMainLoop fill up the tree.

Funky crazy ideas, I know. But that is the idea indeed. I hope some Gtk+
GtkTreeView warriors will join me on this one ;-)

Anyway, therefore isn't TnyGtkFolderTreeModel ready yet. But TnyGtk-
AccountListModel is. The demo-ui now shows a GtkComboBox with the store
accounts (that can of course also be the transport accounts).

Philip Van Hoof, software developer at x-tend 
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org 
work: vanhoof at x-tend dot be 
http://www.pvanhoof.be - http://www.x-tend.be

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