Major cleanups of the trac pages

The trac development pages have been cleaned up now.

A bunch of application development manuals are created and some pages
are now "more beautiful" and therefore also "more readable".

I hope I this way inspired my beloved and cool contributors (and
companies interested in tinymail *hint*) to do the same. Respect your
own contributions and hard work and sweat by documenting them!

Documentation doesn't happen by itself. You have to make it.

In other words, documentation behaves a lot like code: a lot people talk
about it, but very few do it.

Let's be different from others and deliver a tinymail WITH documen-
tation. Shall we?

At least (try to) write it down in a non marked up way. Maybe somebody
else will beautify it for you? It's better than letting people forget
about your work (because it's undocumented). 

Documentation as advertise- ment

Documentation documentation documentation. :-) *spasm*

Philip Van Hoof, software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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