[tasque-list] Call for translators


I've recently committed an extended support for natural language
recognition (inspired by the work done by Anirudh Sanjeev and Steve
George). What does this mean? It basically means that you will able to
write tasks including the due date. For example in the task "Buy beer
in 2 weeks for the party", the due date will be "April 20th 2010"
(assuming you are adding this task today April 6th), and the task will
be "Buy beer for the party". The default recognition is English
specific, however this doesn't mean it won't work in a different
language. All expressions are translatable and translators play an
important role, because their translation will affect the way the task
and the due date are detected. If you are a translator please read
TRANSLATORS (http://git.gnome.org/browse/tasque/tree/TRANSLATORS) to
make sure your translation is correct and makes sense.

If you have any question just let me know.

- Mario

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