[system-tools] Unsupported Platform

Hai ,

 I have created a distro based on Debian .. I have changed name from
Debian to BOSS ... 
When ever I open system-tools , an applet is appearing showing
"Unsupported Platform- The platform U r running is not supported by this
tool" ... 
It list soem distros in that such as 

Redhat, Mandrake, SuSE, Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, Slackware, FreeBSD,
OpenNA, PLD, Vine and Specifix.

If I select any of these ,on clik Ok , I will b able to work opn that
system-tool .... 

For Example : If I want to set IP, If I open
"Applications/System-tools/Networking" window an applet is opening with
the above message ... 

I have attached the snapshot of that , Please can any one tell me that How
can I solve thi9s .. I wnat to suppress that applet ..Unsupported platform
applet should not come ...


PNG image

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