[system-tools] I'm having trouble using libwnck.

I am getting a segmentation fault when calling the
linwnck API. I think i may not be linking my program
properly and have not been able to find enough
information on the WEB to figure it out myself.

Here is my program stripped down.

#include <glib.h>
#include <libwnck/screen.h>
#include <libwnck/window.h>
#include <libwnck/workspace.h>

int main()
WnckScreen *Screen;
Screen = wnck_screen_get_default();

This is how I am building my executable.
gcc workspace.c -o workspace.exe `pkg-config --cflags
--libs libwnck-1.0`

I am a newbie to Linux so please don't assume I know
anything. Thanks in advance.

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