[Setup-tool-hackers] Thoughts about GST

A few thoughts about the GST:

(i) Free System Tools
Should they become the FST, rather than the GST?  IIRC, there's been
some interest in creating KDE frontends to the GST, with a shared
backend system (e.g. KNetworkConf).  IMHO this is a good thing.

Perhaps the XML formats used to store the info should be published at
freedesktop.org in the hope of promoting them as a standard?

I hope this wouldn't be a political problem for getting the GST approved
for inclusion in Gnome 2.6

(ii) Use of Red Hat tools
Is it worth taking the Red Hat system tools and forking them into the
GST?   I believe they:
	(a) are written in Python
	(b) only support Red Hat

However, I believe they're under the GPL, and the GUI is very nice.

For example, there are really nice Apache, SMB and NFS configuration

David Malcolm

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@lists.ximian.com

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