Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] new to list

El vie, 23-05-2003 a las 08:37, Michael A. Peters escribió:
> Howdy!
> I thought I'd say hi.

hi :-)

> I'm currently working on porting gst to a new (currently unreleased)
> Linux distro. I'm presently not working with the cvs version because I
> won't be submitting patches until the distro is ready for release.
> Other than adding profile info (and writing new functions for our way of
> configuring network interfaces) the only thing that might have an effect
> on others is the hostname.
> I haven't run gst on a platform that is currently supported by it (I may
> install gnome 2.2 on my RH8 box to see how it behaves there) but it
> looks like we would require a change to the glade interface for setting
> the hostname.
> Basically, we set the hostname to localhost when we bring up lo. That
> shouldn't effect anything.
> But what we do in the network script after bringing up any interfaces is
> check for the presence of an /etc/nodename file. If it is there, we set
> the hostname to the contents of /etc/nodename. If it doesn't exist, then
> we see if one was supplied by dhcp and use that (otherwise it just
> remains localhost).
> What I want to do with gst is have a checkbox for "get hostname from
> dhcp". If selected, the contents (if any) of /etc/nodename gets saved as
> /etc/nodename.bak and /etc/nodename is deleted.
> If the user decides to unselect it, the contents of /etc/nodename.bak
> (if it exists) will be used as the default entry in the hostname field.
> I'm not familiar with glade (I found some online tutorials I'll look at)
> but I'm curious as to what other opinions on such a patch would be, or
> if there is a better way to do it.
> I know I personally use a hostname I define rather than what dhcp sends
> me - they send me my mac address (with - instead of :) which is both
> ugly and doesn't resolve anyway - so I want it to be easy for dhcp
> people to choose whether they accept what the dhcp server sends, or use
> their own - and make it easy to switch (important for laptop users who
> have ugly hostnames at home and required dhcp provided hostnames at
> work)

uuuh, well, IMHO, the "set hostname from DHCP" might be overpopulating
the tool with features that a really low number of people would use...
(IMHO again) if there is a need for changing the hostname, I'd recommend
to use network profiles (now fixed in CVS), they have been included for
changing things like these in the network configuration, so the user
could have a "Home" profile and a "Work" profile.

> -=-
> Also it would be nice to have a checkbox somewhere in the clock module
> to define whether or not the system hardware clock is UTC.

I agree, that could be a nice feature

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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