[Setup-tool-hackers] I thought I would check and see first...

Hi setup-tool hackers,
After successfully creating the basic componets of a setup tool, I am
about to (currently actually) impliment a "security-setup-tool". This
tool will check your file system, services, network, the list goes on...,
and offer fixes once it has encountered a security problem.

I thought I would check and see first if someone is already impliemnting
this... Anyone? I guess I am looking for a blessing from everyone to go
ahead :)

If no one is already doing this, I will post my code, once I get all
basic functions in place, for approval to add it to cvs, hopefully :)

--------------------[-- burra@colorado.edu --]--------------------------

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@ximian.com

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