Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] gnome-control-center

As far as the screenshot and layout, I love it a lot.

> Hello guys,
> We have been working on  the new control center lately, there are lots
> of small taks to help out, just letting you know in case you where
> looking for a good small task to get started.
> There are also two big tasks open which are to implement the new look
> for the control-center :
> And to backport the nautilus view that Havoc has been working on in a
> branch to the HEAD branch. Nobody is currently working on this tasks.
> So if you are interested, you an join the gnomecc mailing list
> regards,
> Chema
> P.S. :
> At Ximian we are preparing for a release of the desktop pretty soon and
> we would like to ship the new control center. The current control center
> is NOT pretty. Extensive testing of the CVS version of the
> control-center is also needed.
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> setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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