[Setup-tool-hackers] root manager, console helper, and .desktopfiles

i just committed changes to the makefiles to disable root manager

what you really want to do is to have two configure flags:


which has the following effects:

in $prefix/share/gnome/apps/Settings/ 

    - theses .desktop files point to usermode things if available
    - if consolehelper is not available, point to the real file

in $prefix/share/control-center/

    - these use root-manager if available
    - else usermode if available
    - else point to real files

i suggest writing a small xst-desktop-install program which creates both
of the right files at install time based on the configure options.

you also need to make sure that paths are set up correctly, since the
usermode tools may only look for things in certain paths, such as

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setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@helixcode.com

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