[Setup-tool-hackers] Bugs and suggestions & Status report.

Well, not much stuff done this week, because of the Expo only some minor
fixes in users-admin and network.

We got to meet the LinuxPPC guys, who are interested in using our tools as
their default configuration system. Also, some integration may occur with
the Turbo Linux guys, at least at the XML format and frontend interface

These are the suggesions I took note from some people I talked with in the

Disks should support fs labels to identify partitions. This is much more
intuitive. Check the Mandrake configurator for this. I think RH supports
it also (7.0).

Also in disks, the "safe space" configuration: the amount of space only
root can use before a partition is fulled.

A crontab tool.

There's a volunteer, Bastien Nocera who has been working on an APM tool
in his PPC machine. Expect to hear more from him later. Chema: his email
is hadess@hadess.net.

In advanced mode, when applying changes, pop dialog showing a log of al
the commands and files that were run and that were modified. This gives
the advanced guys a safe feeling, because they can know what the program
is running.

User search button, which we agreed with the OpenConnect guys that wasn't
in conflict with the actual interface.

System recovery from a floppy (this sounds unlikely)

Now bugs:

Ben Kahn noted that the seconds in time-admin hould show 01, 02, 03...
instead of 1, 2, 3...

Time servers dialog should be an OK/Cancel dialog.

Time icon shouldn't have the metal wrench an more. BTW, seems like the
wrench is a "Monkey wrench" type. Was this on purpose? Interesting.

Disks icon should have the yellow wrench button.

Well, that's pretty much it.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@helixcode.com

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