Re: How to access the nodes create by translators

On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 20:49, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a basic html importer to work. I have an ephy plugin that pass
> the html to translators (with the bonobo interface). The problem is how
> to set the url of the page on the node created by the html translator.
> I think in general a way to access the node created by the translator is
> useful. Should we use the id for it ?
> Something like a GetToplevelID () api on the idl.
> Thoughts ?

I believe it should top level, but I cannot remember if it is
automatically given the attribute IsTopLevel by the translator when it
is saved.

> Hope I'm making sense, my brain is sort of gone atm ...

hmm I need to update to know if what I think is still true.

__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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