Some potential sponsors for GUADEC


The past weekend, we had a FOSS communities conference in Greece.

I had a presentation about GNOME and my main goal was to promote GUADEC. I was mingling with people to come as volunteers and I met some of the sponsors of their conference. The Greek ones I sent them to our co-organizer, University of Macedonia.

One of them was Facebook. I talked to Mr Ioannis Stoilis and he said their interested. He verified with a colleague. So I took his card and he's waiting for an official contact from us.

One of the organizers of the Greek conference is Collabora empoloyee. So he told me that he can have their booth and they's willing to sponsor us. So I guess they can be contacted about it.

Check their sponsors because I might talked to one of their representatives but couldn't understand who they are.

Thanks for your help,
Efstathios Iosifidis

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