Pet Expo pet owner mailing list - LAST day to get 96,000 contacts this year



Pet-related businesses & organizations, please read!

Today is the LAST DAY - Pet Expo & Pet Con offer!

Our master pet expo attendee contact list -

Just $275 for all 96,000 pet owners!

  • Permission based - recipients checked option to receive relevant pet info, etc.
  • Includes names, city, address, email and phone numbers, breeds, etc.
  • Great for direct mail or email blast/newsletter/sales offers or mass text.
  • Each city is in it's own Excel file
  • You own the list

I know the demand for this mailing list has been high, and I have a number of requests to continue to extend the offer every day. 

That said, a list used by too many loses effectiveness, even though some users are only using one city, etc. The key is to keep the list useful for everyone, and to provide the list contacts with targeted offers and relevant information.

So this is the LAST extension and offer that I can do.


 Wednesday (11/21) is the last day that the list will be offered for purchase in 2018.


Email William at wbr peteventpros com or call 1-800-977-3609 for details.

Just a quick clarification as this has been asked several times.

These are attendees that have given express permission to be contacted by pet-related partners.

Unsubscribe by email


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