Re: [Snowy] OAuth in Snowy

Sandy wrote:
> And I get  "TemplateDoesNotExist at /oauth/authenticate/
> piston/authorize_token.html"
> I'm not sure what to do here.  Any clues?
> I'm attaching updated patches that apply against latest git master
> (and have Stuart's correct email address).  I suppose it's possible
> that in updating the patches, I messed something up, so you might want
> to review them.

Ahaha. I forgot to mention something else.

It's looking for piston/authorize_token.html because it's using piston's
default OAuth view. We need to override that. In, add

OAUTH_AUTH_VIEW = "notes.views.note_oauth_auth_view"

and then it'll use our view, the one which works.

My fault, sorry (I don't quite understand why my change there didn't
appear in the patches, though).


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