[Snowy] Setting Snowy Up.

I Know snowy is just a Test and very Pre-Alpha.   Id really like to help out with this I think I Have some Background that maybe able to assist some in this.  Id love to see this project really get out there.

Ive figured out how to use Git (im using ubuntu 9.04 just as background here)  First time Git user.

I think where my Knowledge is really lacking is using Django.   Using your readme and other items ive read on the net ive been able to get the Admin side up.  But Ive been unable to get anything else to work. I Think the reason is im using Ubuntu 9.04 server (which I use as my development Platform for all the other web projects id do before i put them live)  I have apache2 running and once I turned it off I was able to get most of Django working. 

Im not asking for like a step by step here.  But a Great Point in the right direction would be awesome.  Here is my current setup up thus far.

/var/www/django/snowy   (is where snowy is at)
/var/www/django  (I think I messed this up but this is where Django was installed from I dont think I need this here anymore)
/var/www  (This is where I had all my directories for each apache website I had running. But Like I said I Turned Apache off so I could work with Snowy/Django)

I Use Tomboy quite often from my Netbook (which runs Ubuntu 9.04)  But I also have a Mac, and a Windows Computer that I keep in Sync. My Job requires that I use different platforms and develop for each depending on what system or what type of system im designing a simulation system for.  I work for the F.A.A designing and Maintaining Air Traffic and Airway Facilities system that Trainees use for Training. Ive never use Python for a webbased application But I do use Python alot to simplify day to day operations.  I also have alot of knowledge in the MySql / Oracle database area.

Anyways id like to be able to help out with this in both showing how it can be used on a day to day basis.  and help provide fixes, and input where ever I can.  I Just need to get around a small learning curve on Django Its a Bit new to me.  Concept seems really nice and convenient though?

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