[Shotwell] Help in re-import logic

Hi there,

So... I finally got something working that resembles some degree of debugable environment. I got Visual Studio Code working with the LLDB debugger and a Vala Code plugin for Syntax Highlighting. This allows me to step through the Vala code and inspect some of the variables.

If I also mangle the c-code a bit, I can also get insights to the produced c-code - but usually that is not so interesting. See this thread for details on that: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=734953

Anyway... What I wanted to say is that, right now, I have one image (more, actually, but I am concentrating on one for debug sake) for which I cannot set the comment field. I can set the comment, and Shotwell will show it, but upon next restart, Shotwell will remove that comment again.

So I thougt I would take this opportunity to see what is going on. So here is where I'm at:

I have one photo which I added a comment to, restarted Shotwell with debugger attached, set a breakpoint where the comments were altered on the photo, and got a hit when Shotwell tries to remove the comment again. Please see screenshot.

In the screenshot you can see that the current photo has the comment "Test comment" and that the new comment being set is NULL. You can also see the stacktrace coming from a photo monitor performing a re-import (finish_reimport_editable). The job originates as a background job, though, and I have not yet found where it originates.

My questions would be

 * What does the terminology "reimport" mean?

 * Where do these background jobs originate from?

 * If it means that data is re-imported from images on each start-up, then
a) Is this correct behaviour? If write-back (to image files) is not enabled (which I have not (*) ) would the database not be the authority on this info? b) Why does this (seemingly) only happen to some of my photos. I.e. I could successfully alter the comment on another photo, and it was not reverted.

(*) But I do have "Watch library" enabled.

And yes... I have found and read (some of) the documentation for Shotwell on gnome.org. If the information is correct / up-to-date, I tip my hat for good project documentation :-)


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