[Shotwell] shotwell: raw+jpg pairing and high CPU usage


I have two possibly related issues with shotwell:

- I moved my image library containing thousands of RAW+JPEG pairs to a different external hard drive. - Shotwell (mostly) correctly detected the old library in the new location and re-imported.
- However, additionally I have now for each pair a *shotwell.jpg or *embedded.jpg file.
- I tried deleting, but shotwell re-creates them.
- This leaves me with
        a) thousands of unwanted files
b) shotwell ?sometimes? displays the version which is shotwell-developed i.e. sth completely different from the camera-development. ! :-(
i.e. I cannot display the picture, I have taken, with shotwell.
- Settings > Raw-Developer is set to "camera"

- When I start shotwell, it runs for approx. one hour with 100% CPU
- during this time shotwell is responding slowly / it is not usable

I tried to solve these on my own, but I did not get anywhere with my extended internet searching and reading.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Even moving to a different software would be a major pain, as tags are not written to raw+jpg pairs ... of course I have loads of tags. ;-)

thanks a lot in advance

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