Re: [Shotwell] Navigation keys no longer working full-screen

On 24/09/2014 21:40, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
I've just noticed that when I'm full-screen that no keys seem to be moving me. Normally when I import a batch of images I go full-screen(F11) and use PgUp or PgDn or arrow keys to browse the batch doing a preliminary pass where I mark duff photos for discarding. I think this has happened after upgrading to 0.20.0

I think it was lost in 1e4903, which was the result of

I *think* I fixed the problem you report in, where I basically single out navigation events and handle them directly and propagate the rest:

It doesn't look terribly clean to me, but looking at the code (which I'm unfamiliar with) I haven't seen a better way to tell between keystrokes.

Tobia Tesan
<tobia tesan gmail com>
Frasier: "Six months ago, I was living in Boston. My wife had left me,
          which was very painful. Then she came back to me, which was
    -- Frasier

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