Re: Seahorse locks my desktop

On 02/10/2012 08:07 AM, Stef Walter wrote:
On 02/09/2012 12:47 AM, Raffaele Ricciardi wrote:
[I've cancelled the sending of this message to add some info about my
system. I apologize if it gets sent twice.]


GNU Emacs' interface to GnuPG calls "gpg2" which, since GPG_AGENT_INFO
refers to "seahorse", is run with the "--use-agent" option, and thus
calls Seahorse.

If by accident I switch to another (fullscreen) window while Seahorse is
running, I can't switch back to Seahorse's window anymore (Alt-Tab does
not work), and to all effects, my desktop is locked and I have no option
other than to force shutdown by keeping the power button pressed for 6

Ah I see you've provided the info here. Obviously these versions are
some years old, but we can still try and help you find a work around.

I just tested the latest version, and it works as expected, the password
prompt stays on top. The exception seems to be a full screen video.

Are you using a specific window manager, or the default? Any ideas why
"Always on top" would not be respected by your desktop?



- Seahorse version: 2.30.1
- GnuPG version: 2.0.17
- Debian GNU/Linux version: 6.0.3
- Gnome Version: 2.30.2
- Kernel version: Linux debian 2.6.32-5-686

Thank you for your quick reply, Stef. Yes, Debian's packages' versions usually lag behind, And yes, I run all my applications fullscreen because I'm on a netbook with a small screen. The application which runs GPG2 which calls Seahorse is GNU Emacs, running fullscreen.

After sending my request for support, I've tried to configure GPG2 (version 2.0.17) to use an alternative to Seahorse and I have not been able to restore my previous configuration. I've put together a a minimal testing procedure which I hope will work for those who still have GPG2 calling Seahorse. Software used, besides that documented in my quoted mail:
- GPG2 2.0.17;
- GNU Emacs 23.1 or later.

Here we go:
- launch some applications - like Firefox, Thunderbird and Terminal - then press F11 to maximize them;
- create an ~/.emacs text file with this content:

(require 'epa-file)
(setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t)
(setq epg-gpg-program "gpg2")
(run-with-idle-timer 1.0 nil (lambda ()
		  (set-frame-parameter nil 'fullscreen 'fullboth)))

- launch "emacs": GNU Emacs should start fullscreen;
- press Control-x and then Control-f: you should be prompted for a filename;
- enter a file name ending with ".gpg";
- type something into such file;
- press Control-x and then Control-s: this is to save your file;
- click on [OK] in the textual popup raised by Emacs;
- Seahorse should popup;
- press Alt-Tab or click on the Emacs window: Emacs should become the foreground window;
- now your desktop should be locked.


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