Seahorse Nautlus actions volunteer

Hi there Jim and Stef!

I am fairly new to Linux world, but a long time C/C++/Java developer. While using seahorse's Nautilus actions (from seahorse-plugins package) in Linux Mint 10 (Ubuntu 10.10 based) I've found that Nautilus actions for "Sign" files are lacking many important features.

While searching for them in Gnome's bugzilla, I've found that most of the features I miss were already requested, as in:

I added a comment there, with some info. But, since this is quite old (from 2006!), I guess you guys lack the time (or will) to do it.

I gladly offer myself to do this then. I just want to know if this is actually possible / desirable / wanted. My goal is to improve the "Sign" action in nautilus, to provide the following features:

- Sign...
	-     Detached binary (file.ext.sig) - equivalent of "gpg --detach-sign", currently the only option. 
	-     Detached text   (file.ext.asc) - equivalent of "gpg --detach-sign --armor"
	- Non-Detached binary (file.ext.gpg) - equivalent of "gpg --sign"
	- Non-Detached text   (file.ext.asc) - equivalent of "gpg --clearsign" (-t --sign --armor), the gedit plugin way

And perhaps a 5th option, useful for signing binary files with an ASCII output (for email or copy-and-paste):

	- Non-Detached binary-to-text (file.ext.asc) - "gpg --sign --armor"
I could script them myself without seahorse, but then I would miss the useful GUIs for selecting key and choose recipient(s). Using zenity for that seems like waste of time, since it's already done, built in seahorse-tool.

So, is this "improvement" needed or welcome? Am I reinventing the wheel? I'm open to suggestions and opinions.

Also, last but not least, I'm sorry for directly contacting you, but since you're listed as Seahorse "usability and Interface"  developer, I thought you would be the right person to talki about this. Care to give me instructions on how to proceed?


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