Implementing parts of seahorse in vala

I'm working on splitting out the PGP, SSH and Gnome Keyring
functionality into separate modules inside of seahorse. This is tedious
work. It would be even more tedious if I had to do it in C :)

I'm doing a lot the implementation in vala. I hope this is okay with
everyone. Vala compiles down to C/GObject code, and is an awesome way of
writing GObject code.

This is not a rewrite of seahorse, it's moderately simple to bridge the
old seahorse C code and call it from vala. Vala obviously compiles down
to C and so can be called from C easily.

It's not a requirement that everyone has a vala compiler installed
either, as I'll be checking in and distributing the generated C code
along with seahorse.

Nothing is checked in yet. Before I go ahead with that, I want to see if
anyone had any problems with this plan.


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