Re: Moving DPMS to gnome-power-manager

Luca Ferretti wrote:
Il giorno gio, 05/01/2006 alle 12.27 -0500, William Jon McCann ha


Following up from this discussion:

I think we've agreed to move the power management stuff into gnome-power-manager.

I agree :-)

This could help GNOME to provide a coherent power manager preferences
tool like
          [x] Enable system sleep when inactive for a period
          System inactivity period: --------[==]-------------------
                                    5m    15m    30m     1h      3h
          [x] Enable monitor sleep when inactive for a period
          Monitor inactivity period: --------[==]-------------------
                                     5m    15m    30m     1h      3h

Something like that is already in gnome power preferences.


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