Re: sawfish-pager broken?

10 minutes ago, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> Is there any version of sawfish-pager somewhere that is supposed to
> work with sawfish compiled from git?
> The current available version had two minor issues that I had to fix:
> * Replace sawfish.wm.ext.edge-flip -> sawfish.wm.edge.flip
> * Add sawfish.wm.util.compat (for `get-window-by-class-re')
> and now it looks like it's almost working -- the window shows up as it
> should and clicking it switches workspaces/viewports.  The only
> problem is that it doesn't show any windows... making it nearly
> pointless.  It looks like the hooks are not being added for some
> reason.

I managed to get an error message: Bad argument: #<subr show-window>,
(), l.  Looks like `pager-unhide' is being called before the window is
mapped, causing the error, and preventing the hooks from being

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                             Maze is Life!

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