Is there a way to release the pointer via function?

Hmm... I thought about whether it could be usefull to have HotSpots also, when 
while-moving a window. It took some time but today I found about some window-
manipulation could be done then, eg: move window to top-edge => maximize

I first tried some quick "HotMove" hack (attached) with the following bit of 
code in sawfishrc:

( defvar-setq top-edge-move-function
  ( lambda () ( maximize-window ( input-focus ) ) ) 

( defvar-setq top-bottom-edge-move-action 'none/hot-move )

Now try it (without opaque as animator): you'll see, window looks maximized, 
but once you now release the pointer it gets shrunk again (but still has 
maximized flag set) [You'll have to try to acutally understand I guess].

So what I would need is

(let ((window (current-event-window)))
  (all other stuff)) 

Is there some function to release the pointer (atleast I haven't found one)?

diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/actions.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/actions.jl
index 2649054..48e7a0e 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/actions.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/actions.jl
@@ -39,20 +39,20 @@
     :group edge-actions
     :type (choice none/hot-spot viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
-  (defcustom left-right-edge-move-action 'none
+  (defcustom left-right-edge-move-action 'none/hot-move
     "Action for the left and right screen-edge while moving a window."
     :group edge-actions
-    :type  (choice none viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
+    :type  (choice none/hot-move viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
   (defcustom top-bottom-edge-action 'none/hot-spot
     "Action for the top and bottom screen-edge."
     :group edge-actions
     :type (choice none/hot-spot viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
-  (defcustom top-bottom-edge-move-action 'none
+  (defcustom top-bottom-edge-move-action 'none/hot-move
     "Action for the top and bottom screen-edge while moving a window."
     :group edge-actions
-    :type  (choice none viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
+    :type  (choice none/hot-move viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport))
   (define (edge-action-call func edge)
     (case func
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
        (edge-flip-invoke edge 'viewport))
        (hot-spot-invoke edge))
+      ((none/hot-move)
+       (hot-move-invoke edge))
       (t nil)))
   ;; Entry point without dragging 
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/hot-spots.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/hot-spots.jl
index ba9a192..85edb85 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/hot-spots.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/edge/hot-spots.jl
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
-    (export hot-spot-invoke)
+    (export hot-spot-invoke
+            hot-move-invoke)
     (open rep
@@ -89,4 +90,56 @@
 	(when func
 	  ;; non-nil, but not a function?
 	  (error "In hot-spot, you configuration of `%s' is wrong; it should be a function." spot))
+	)))
+  (defvar left-edge-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the left-edge.")
+  (defvar top-left-corner-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the top-left-corner.")
+  (defvar top-edge-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the top-edge.")
+  (defvar top-right-corner-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the top-right-corner.")
+  (defvar right-edge-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the right-edge.")
+  (defvar bottom-right-corner-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the bottom-right-corner.")
+  (defvar bottom-edge-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the bottom-edge.")
+  (defvar bottom-left-corner-move-function nil
+    "The function launched when hitting the bottom-left-corner.")
+  (define (hot-move-invoke spot)
+    (let ((func (case spot
+		  ((top-left)
+		   top-left-corner-move-function)
+		  ((top-right)
+		   top-right-corner-move-function)
+		  ((bottom-right)
+		   bottom-right-corner-move-function)
+		  ((bottom-left)
+		   bottom-left-corner-move-function)
+		  ((left)
+		   left-edge-move-function)
+		  ((top)
+		   top-edge-move-function)
+		  ((right)
+		   right-edge-move-function)
+		  ((bottom)
+		   bottom-edge-move-function))))
+      (if (functionp func)
+	  (make-timer (lambda ()
+			(funcall func))
+		      (quotient hot-spot-delay 1000)
+		      (mod hot-spot-delay 1000))
+	(when func
+	  ;; non-nil, but not a function?
+	  (error "In hot-spot, you configuration of `%s' is wrong; it should be a function." spot))

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