Re: [IMPORTANT] Questionaire on GTK+

Christopher Roy Bratusek said:     (by the date of Sat, 25 Sep 2010 10:22:55 +0200)

> Hi all,
> in order to give users best support as possible Sawfish 1.7.0 gets extended support time
> (compared to 1.5/1.6). So there's a small set of questions I would like you to answer:
> a) Do you use a distribution or do you use something like LFS (Linux From Scratch)?

debian squeeze

> b) How long will you stay using GTK+2 in favour of GTK+3?

depends on apps, currently for example:

claws-mail libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.20.0)
gimp       libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.20.0)

hmmm... libgtk3 seems to be missing in debian repository, what part I

> c) Do you plan to move to GTK+3? Or do you plan to install
>    GTK+3 besides GTK+2 (of course possible)?

this question has too many levels. Ultimately I will be using
both, just like I need to have installed qt3 and qt4. It all depends
on apps that I'm using.

> d) Do you use XFree86 or X.Org?
> e) If d) = XFree86: Do you plan on moving to X.Org?
> f) If e) = no: Why don't you plan on moving to X.Org?

I use xorg hold at 7.3. Newer version suffers segfault when launched
with two graphic cards in different slot types and of different GPU
type. Twice a year I try to upgrade, to see if it was fixed, then
downgrade back  ;) Or maybe I will change my graphic cards :)

> g) Do you have a machine with less than 64 MB Ram or
>    less than 500 MHz CPU?

I plan using sawfish on Pandora, when I get it (with debian squeeze).
It barely meets this requirement: 600MHz ARM CPU and 256 MB RAM.

Janek Kozicki                       |

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