Re: SawfishPager news

Am Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:59:00 +0200
schrieb Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>:

> actually there are only three deprecated functions left (from the current list of
> deprecated functions, perhaps some more will be deprecated):
> 	gdk_gc_new

	-> cairo_create() or gdk_cairo_create() 

> 	gdk_gc_set_foreground

	-> cairo_set_source_rgb() or gdk_cairo_set_source_color()

> 	gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm

	-> ... XPMs are ugly and shouldn't be used anymore.
	-> ... seems next pager version will "require" PNGs

> Those will be replaced by cairo functions. After RTFM to find out which one to use. ;)

Just asked @ gtk-list


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