Re: Questionnaire 4 on Sawfish usage

On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 20:18:43 +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> 1) What operating-system are you using?
> 1.1) which architecture?
> 1.2) which OS and Distro?
> 1.3) what machine are you using to run sawfish on?

Gentoo Linux amd64, 1.5G ram
(Maybe one of the slowest in amd64 world.)

Sawfish takes (slightly) more than a second to start.

No desktop environment.

> 2) about wiki.
> 2.1) How often do you visit the wiki?
Usually, twice a week.
> 2.2) Did you or do you plan on editing?
Only every so often, yet I'm the most active contributor there. I
also kill spams.
> 3) how did you found out that sawfish is alive again?
for me it was an accident. a lucky one :D

> 4) What do you think about the infrastructure?
> I believe that it's too cluttered but Teika doesn't let me drop


* GIT: We can use other git repository. The only reason we have to
  keep gnome git repo is translations, but they can be easily merged,
  regardless of the "main" repo location. Though only a few langs, but
  I'm glad that translation is active again.
* bugzilla: Sorry if it's such a burden. But soon I'll clean things
  up, by closing many obsolete items, so at least it would look
  clearer. After that, we may be able to move all remainders to Wiki
  and/or git "todo" file, but I'm not sure yet. (Recently Chris has
  given me the privilege to change the status of bugzilla items.)
* ML: so much problem?
* I think that's all.

> 5) Are you planning to contribute?
Less than or equal to the current pace.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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