Re: Themes for 3.0

Am Freitag 12 November 2010, 10:17:58 schrieb fuchur:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 19:40:10 +0100
> wrote Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>:
> >Great work (again) fuchur!
> >
> >but the issue with transients on my system is still here.
> >(happens when buttons shouldn't be drawn in transients
> >(show-in-transients is nil))
> >
> >Regards,
> >Chris
> Happens this also if all tab-themes (SmootlyTab, Darktab,
> Elberg-tabbed, get-S-tabbed) updated and this are the only
> tab-themes in your path?

Screenshots attached. SmoothlyTab works fine. Only  DarkTab doesn't.

One more issue: when switching from DarkTab to Elberg-tabbed or get-S-tabbed 
it seems set-tab-adjustments isn't run, so the margins aren't reset.



(LXF) Signaturen, die die Welt noch braucht: #2459:

Zitat von Mark Shuttleworth
64 Bit ist super für Datenbanken, doch für Desktops ist es nicht geeignet,
hier möchte man nicht auf 32-Bit-Software verzichten.

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