Re: opaque window moving very slow in 1.6.1

Am Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:43:12 -0800
schrieb Mark Diekhans <markd kermodei com>:

> Apologies for blaming out beloved Sawfish; the update slowness seemed
> to be due to something bogus that Firefox was doing.
> However, it would be nice to know the cause of this error:
>  Moving aside my configuration to see if I have something
>  in there results in the error:
>     Error: Can't start gtkrc-style-program

sorry for the ultra-late reply...
don't you have $libdir/sawfish/$arch/gtk-style?

(eg: /usr/lib/sawfish/1.6.3/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/gtk-style)

This would raise that error.

> mark


Re[7]: Ubuntu remix?
Gesendet von Endkunde am Mo, 13. Jul um 21:24

Wie geil: Vicbrother, der Übertroll schlechthin gibt die Unschuld vom Lande. XD

PL aufgepasst - nächste Niveaustufe nach unten ist irgendwo bei 9Live...:)

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