Removing Tab options

Hi all,

I began to remove the tab options (they are pointless as defcustoms, as each theme
needs different values). The only thing I'm not aware of, is how to set them inside
the theme.jl, but perhaps someone knows?

Als raise-tabs-on-hover is now raise-frames-on-hover, as the tab-system does not yet
allow to only raise when tabs are hovered by the pointer.

Patch is attached.

Also I'll check the patches from fuchur, Fabrice Delente (choosing icons for
window-switcher) and DMGs reschange hook patch. Perhaps they'll go into 1.6.3

Have Fun,


Re: addons
Gesendet von Hans Wurst am Sa, 31. Okt um 11:51

Die Werbeslogans "schlank uns schnell" kann sich Mozilla bald Schenken.

  Re[2]: werbeslogan
  Gesendet von hihi am Sa, 31. Okt um 12:01

  "Schlank uns schnell!", was für ein genialer Slogan, ja geradezu ein Aufruf,
  Aufschrei an die Entwicklergemeinde, hört ihr ihn denn nicht ?!

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