Re: [ANNOUNCE] Sawfish 1.6.1 "Astral"

Christopher Roy Bratusek said:     (by the date of Fri, 8 Jan 2010 23:32:41 +0100)

> @Janek:
> I've just switched to AMD64 2 weeks ago, so there are now 64bit .debs
> in my repo. (deb-src, of course, too).

this is great, thanks a lot :) I need to upgrade. heh. Still cannot
get over to do it. There was a very old bug, that after sawfish
restart the windows positions are all messed up. I'm still in trauma
after that bug, although it has been fixed, right?

This trauma means, that I'm reluctant to restart sawfish, when I have
80+ windows open. Usually I am first getting mentally prepared to
spend 40 minutes placing all my windows back to their original
positions across 40 viewports. This junk/windows accumulate, now it's 56
days uptime. Computations are going on, etc...

I even had to install tux-on-ice to use UPS to properly hibernate
when power is down, so that my calculations aren't interrupted.
With 32GB of RAM it takes 15minutes writing at 70 MB/sec HDD speed,
all going on UPS power.

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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