[NEED HELP] GtkAboutDialog doesn't show up ...

Hi all,

I started replacing our custom about-dialog window with a
GtkAboutDialog, but it doesn't show up, though it should ...

Can anyone see the point?

Patch against HEAD attached.

diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.in b/scripts/Makefile.in
index ca28b4e..aa786d2 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.in
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.in
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ REP_ENVIRON := $(REP_ENVIRON) REP_LOAD_PATH=$(top_srcdir)/lisp:$(top_builddir)/l
 SUBSTS := -e "s|__lispdir__|$(lispdir)|" \
 	  -e "s|__localedir__|$(localedir)|" \
-	  -e "s|__version__|$(version)|"
-G_PIXMAP_DIR = $(GNOMEDIR)/share/pixmaps
+	  -e "s|__version__|$(version)|" \
+	  -e "s|__sawfishdir__|$(sawfishdir)|"
 %.jlc : %.jl
 	$(REP_ENVIRON) rep compiler -f compile-batch $<
@@ -49,17 +48,16 @@ install : all installdirs
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) sawfish-menu.jlc $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishexecdir)/sawfish-menu
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) sawfish-client.jlc $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sawfish-client
 	$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) sawfish-about.jlc $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishexecdir)/sawfish-about
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) sawfish.png $(DESTDIR)$(G_PIXMAP_DIR)/sawfish-logo.png
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) sawfish.png $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishdir)/sawfish.png
 uninstall :
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)${sawfishexecdir}/sawfish-menu
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)${bindir}/sawfish-client
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)${sawfishexecdir}/sawfish-about
-	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(G_PIXMAP_DIR)/sawfish-logo.png
+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishdir)/sawfish.png
 installdirs : mkinstalldirs
-	$(SHELL) $< $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishexecdir) \
+	$(SHELL) $< $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(DESTDIR)$(sawfishexecdir)
 clean :
 	rm -f *~ *.jlc core
diff --git a/scripts/sawfish-about.jl.in b/scripts/sawfish-about.jl.in
index dab77e7..a5cecb7 100644
--- a/scripts/sawfish-about.jl.in
+++ b/scripts/sawfish-about.jl.in
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
-exec rep "$0" "$@"
+exec rep --batch "$0" "$@"
 ;; sawfish-about.jl.in -- helper process for sawfish about dialog
@@ -27,43 +22,35 @@ exec rep "$0" "$@"
 ;; along with sawfish; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-    (export )
-    (open rep
-	  gui.gtk-2.gtk
-	  rep.system
-	  rep.io.files
-	  rep.i18n.gettext
-	  sawfish.gtk.stock)
-  (unless (get-command-line-option "--disable-nls")
-    (bindtextdomain "sawfish" "__localedir__")
-    (textdomain "sawfish"))
-  (define title "Sawfish")
-  (define version "__version__")
-  (define copyright "(C) 1999-2000 John Harper; (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc")
-  (define authors `("John Harper <jsh unfactored org>"
-		    ,(_ "and many others...")))
-  (define comments (_ "Sawfish manages your windows extensibly."))
-  (define logo "sawfish-logo.png")
-  (let* ((hbox (gtk-hbox-new t 0))
-	 (ref (gtk-link-button-new-with-label "http://sawfish.wikia.com/";
-                                              (_ "Sawfish homepage"))))
-    (gtk-box-pack-start hbox ref)
-    (gtk-widget-show-all hbox)
-    (let ((widget (about-dialog title version copyright
-				authors comments
-				#:logo logo
-				#:extra hbox)))
-      (g-signal-connect widget "destroy"
-			(lambda () (throw 'out)))
-      (catch 'out
-	(setq interrupt-mode 'exit)
-	(recursive-edit)))))
+(structure ()
+  (open rep
+    gui.gtk-2.gtk
+    rep.system
+    rep.io.files)
+  (define dialog (gtk-about-dialog-new))
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-program-name dialog "Sawfish")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-version dialog "__version__")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-copyright dialog "(c) 1999-2000 John Harper\n
+  (c) 2000 Eazel, Inc\n
+  (c) 2007-2008 Janek Kozicki\n
+  (c) 2008-2009 Christopher Bratusek")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-license dialog "Sawfish is released under the terms of the\n
+  GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.\n
+  See the `COPYING' file in the source tree for the full license\n\n
+  The sound-files are distributed under the Artistic License version 2.0.\n
+  See the `COPYING.SOUNDS' file in the source-tree.")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-comments dialog "Sawfish manages your windows extensibly")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-website dialog "http://sawfish.wikia.com";)
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-website-label dialog "Sawfish Wiki")
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-authors dialog '("1999-2007: John Harper\n
+  2007-2009: Janek Kozicki, Timo Korvola, Andrea Vetorello, Guillermo S. Romero\n
+  2008-2009: Christopher Bratusek, Teika 'Mister X' Kazura, Jeremy Hankins\n
+  1999-2009: All the brave contributors (see `THANKS' in `CONTRIBUTING')"))
+  (gtk-about-dialog-set-logo dialog (gdk-pixbuf-new-from-file "__sawfishdir__/sawfish.png"))
+  (g-signal-connect dialog "delete_event" (lambda () (throw 'quit 0)))
+  (gtk-widget-show-all dialog))
 ;; Local variables:
 ;; major-mode: lisp-mode

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