Re: The recent git update of sawfish 1.5 broke

Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
Am Freitag, den 08.05.2009, 00:08 +1000 schrieb Allan Duncan:
I have been able to create an x64 rpm with a git as at April 28 after
tweaking the sawfish.spec, but the current 1.5.0 breaks due to a change
relating to po/Makefile in  There are file missing messages
about po/, and this spurious .in appears in several spots.
It appears that po/ is now _supposed_ to be created on the fly.

if you run (more precisly: intltoolize --copy --force)
po/ is beeing created, configure then creates
po/ po/Makefile.

I do, as a script of:
    libtoolize --force  (links are fine as the build is on the destination host)
    automake --add-missing

Maybe I should try instead.

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