Re: dynamic viewports?

On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:32:38 -0500
Jeremy Hankins <nowan nowan org> wrote:

> This is an attempt at a dynamic mode for viewports -- the infinite bit
> of infinite-desktop without the mouseyness.  The idea is that you can
> easily go beyond the initial dimensions of the virtual workspace, and
> when you do the dimensions will be adjusted to match.  It's enabled by
> setting viewport-boundary-mode to 'dynamic.  Arguably it's not
> exactly a boundary mode, but the logic is right: it's incompatible
> with stop or wrap-around.  I've tested it to work with sawfish-pager,
> but I haven't tried other pagers.
> Issues that I know of:
>  - There's a viewport-minimum-dimensions.  This should be mostly
>    transparent and ignorable when not using dynamic viewports; the
> only impact there is that when set it increases viewport-dimensions to
>    match if necessary.  On the other hand (when the ui is used)
> setting viewport-dimensions to smaller than
> viewport-minimum-dimensions sets viewport-minimum-dimensions to
> suit.  Would it be better to just ignore viewport-minimum-dimensions
> when not using dynamic viewports?

Well if it's ignorable, when we should do so. Just in case.

>  - If you use multiple desktops as well as dynamic viewports you may
>    sometimes end up with very large virtual-workspaces.  This
> apparently happens when the coordinates for the different workspaces
> "drift" over time so that when you switch from one to another you're
> well away from any of the windows in the new workspace.  The viewport
>    dimensions will then be adjusted to include the windows and your
>    current screen location.  Of course, once you move to one of the
>    windows the virtual workspace shrinks back to normal size.  This
>    should be fixable, but I don't (yet) understand the workspace code
>    well enough to fix it (or even why it's happening, for that
> matter).
>  - Overall it works with infinite-desktop.  But when using ID to move
>    the viewport boundaries are shifted as well.  So if I start by
> using the mouse to move to the left, the move-viewport-right command
> wont snap back to the original viewport grid.  Since I don't use ID
> I'm not sure whether this is a problem or not.

Why would you use both?
> So is this useful or a misfeature?  Or should it be done differently?
> Comments welcome.... :)

For me it looks somehow, you wanna replace ID.

Well, does it work with edge-flip? If so and you improve it (for the
things you've stated out), it might replace ID fully in 1.6.0 (If I
understood correctly it does the same, in a saner way)

I'll give it a try yet.

Thanks for your efforts!

P.S.: Do you think you can finish new-viewport? Would be nice :)

> ------------------------------
> diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/viewport.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/viewport.jl
> index 43e3e14..f200175 100644
> --- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/viewport.jl
> +++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/viewport.jl
> @@ -58,6 +58,12 @@
>      :type (pair (number 1) (number 1))
>      :after-set (lambda () (viewport-size-changed)))
> +  (defcustom viewport-minimum-dimensions '(1 . 1)
> +    "Minimum number of columns and rows in each virtual workspace:
> \\w"
> +    :group (workspace viewport)
> +    :type (pair (number 1) (number 1))
> +    :after-set (lambda () (viewport-minimum-size-changed)))
> +
>    (defcustom uniconify-to-current-viewport t
>      "Windows uniconify to the current viewport."
>      :type boolean
> @@ -72,7 +78,7 @@
>    (defcustom viewport-boundary-mode 'stop
>      "Whether to stop or wrap-around on first/last viewport"
>      :group (workspace viewport)
> -    :type (choice wrap-around stop))
> +    :type (choice wrap-around stop dynamic))
>  ;;; raw viewport handling
> @@ -126,6 +132,75 @@ The scrolling makes a number of increments equal
> to `scroll-viewport-steps'." 
>    (add-hook 'before-exit-hook viewport-before-exiting t)
> +  (define (viewport-dynamic-resize)
> +    (when (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +      (let ((windows
> +	     (filter-windows
> +	      (lambda (w)
> +		(window-in-workspace-p w current-workspace)))))
> +	(if windows
> +	    (let*
> +		((points
> +		  (nconc
> +		   (mapcar (lambda (w)
> +			     (let ((pos (window-position w))
> +				   (dims (window-frame-dimensions
> w)))
> +			       (list (car pos)
> +				     (cdr pos)
> +				     (+ (car pos) (car dims))
> +				     (+ (cdr pos) (cdr dims)))))
> +			   windows)
> +		   ;; Include a region in the current screen:
> +		   `((0 0 1 1))))
> +		 (x-min (apply min (mapcar car points)))
> +		 (y-min (apply min (mapcar (lambda (e) (nth 1 e))
> points)))
> +		 (x-max (apply max (mapcar (lambda (e) (nth 2 e))
> points)))
> +		 (y-max (apply max (mapcar (lambda (e) (nth 3 e))
> points)))
> +		 (width (screen-width))
> +		 (height (screen-height))
> +		 (high-rows (+ (quotient y-max height)
> +			       (if (> (mod y-max height) 0)
> +				   1
> +				 0)))
> +		 (low-rows (if (< y-min 0)
> +			       (+ (- (quotient y-min height))
> +				  (if (> (mod y-min height) 0)
> +				      1
> +				    0))
> +			     0))
> +		 (rows (+ low-rows high-rows))
> +		 (high-cols (+ (quotient x-max width)
> +			       (if (> (mod x-max width) 0)
> +				   1
> +				 0)))
> +		 (low-cols (if (< x-min 0)
> +			       (+ (- (quotient x-min width))
> +				  (if (> (mod x-min width) 0)
> +				      1
> +				    0))
> +			     0))
> +		 (cols (+ low-cols high-cols)))
> +	      (setq
> +	       viewport-y-offset (* low-rows height)
> +	       viewport-x-offset (* low-cols width)
> +	       viewport-dimensions (cons
> +				    (max cols
> +					 (car
> viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +				    (max rows
> +					 (cdr
> viewport-minimum-dimensions)))))
> +	  (setq viewport-y-offset 0
> +		viewport-x-offset 0
> +		viewport-dimensions viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +	(call-hook 'viewport-resized-hook))))
> +
> +  ;; Resize virtual workspace on workspace switch or viewport move.
> +  ;; TODO: Ensure that the viewport is set reasonably in the new
> +  ;; workspace.
> +  (add-hook 'enter-workspace-hook
> +	    viewport-dynamic-resize)
> +  (add-hook 'viewport-moved-hook
> +	    viewport-dynamic-resize)
> +
>  ;; screen sized viewport handling
>    (define (screen-viewport)
> @@ -137,8 +212,9 @@ The scrolling makes a number of increments equal
> to `scroll-viewport-steps'." (when (eq viewport-boundary-mode
> 'wrap-around) (setq col (mod col (car viewport-dimensions))
>              row (mod row (cdr viewport-dimensions))))
> -    (when (and (>= col 0) (< col (car viewport-dimensions))
> -               (>= row 0) (< row (cdr viewport-dimensions)))
> +    (when (or (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +	      (and (>= col 0) (< col (car viewport-dimensions))
> +		   (>= row 0) (< row (cdr viewport-dimensions))))
>        (set-viewport (* col (screen-width))
>                      (* row (screen-height)))
>        t))
> @@ -221,17 +297,42 @@ The scrolling makes a number of increments
> equal to `scroll-viewport-steps'." position)))
>    (define (viewport-size-changed)
> -    (let ((port (screen-viewport)))
> -      (set-screen-viewport (min (car port) (1- (car
> viewport-dimensions)))
> -			   (min (cdr port) (1- (cdr
> viewport-dimensions))))
> -      (map-windows (lambda (w)
> -		     (when (window-outside-workspace-p w)
> -		       (move-window-to-current-viewport w))))
> -      (call-hook 'viewport-resized-hook)))
> +    (when (or (< (car viewport-dimensions) (car
> viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +	      (< (cdr viewport-dimensions) (cdr
> viewport-minimum-dimensions)))
> +      (setq viewport-minimum-dimensions
> +	    (cons (min (car viewport-dimensions)
> +		       (car viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +		  (min (cdr viewport-dimensions)
> +		       (cdr viewport-minimum-dimensions))))
> +      (when (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +	(viewport-dynamic-resize)))
> +    (unless (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +      (let ((port (screen-viewport)))
> +	(set-screen-viewport (min (car port) (1- (car
> viewport-dimensions)))
> +			     (min (cdr port) (1- (cdr
> viewport-dimensions))))
> +	(map-windows (lambda (w)
> +		       (when (window-outside-workspace-p w)
> +			 (move-window-to-current-viewport w))))
> +	(call-hook 'viewport-resized-hook))))
> +
> +  (define (viewport-minimum-size-changed)
> +    (if (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +	(viewport-dynamic-resize)
> +      (when (or (< (car viewport-dimensions) (car
> viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +		(< (cdr viewport-dimensions) (cdr
> viewport-minimum-dimensions)))
> +	(setq viewport-dimensions
> +	      (cons (max (car viewport-dimensions)
> +			 (car viewport-minimum-dimensions))
> +		    (max (cdr viewport-dimensions)
> +			 (cdr viewport-minimum-dimensions))))
> +	(viewport-size-changed))))
>    (define (set-number-of-viewports width height)
>      (setq viewport-dimensions (cons width height))
> -    (viewport-size-changed))
> +    (setq viewport-minimum-dimensions (cons width height))
> +    (if (eq viewport-boundary-mode 'dynamic)
> +	(viewport-dynamic-resize)
> +      (viewport-size-changed)))
>  ;; commands
> ------------------------------

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