Re: Customize root menu

Am Mon, 21 Dec 2009 17:25:50 +0100
schrieb Fabrice DELENTE <fdelente mail cpod fr>:

> > Well you say root-menu but define apps-menu, so which one is the one
> > you want to modify?
> Both, but I'm trying my hand first but redefining the apps-menu; why
> aren't my changes taken into account? Must I redefine root-menu too?

use define-special-variable instead of defvar. It's working here. In
addition, if you're using Sawfish 1.6.0 and want to have both the
autogenerated FDO-Menu and your custom one, refer back to
user-apps-menu instead to apps-menu.

Btw, according to sawfish.texi from 1.6.0 it is documented.


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