Re: Script for creating Application Menu
- From: matthew <matth love gmail com>
- To: sawfish-list gnome org
- Subject: Re: Script for creating Application Menu
- Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 16:40:47 -0600
matthew <matth love gmail com> writes:
> Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de> writes:
>> Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2009, 20:18 +0200 schrieb Christopher Roy
>> Bratusek:
>>> Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2009, 20:09 +0200 schrieb Christopher Roy
>>> Bratusek:
>>> > Am Sonntag, den 16.08.2009, 10:18 -0600 schrieb matthew:
>>> > > Hi.
>>> > > I made a librep menu generator for .desktop files in a
>>> > > /usr/share/applications directory, it is attached.
>>> > > Let me know if it works for any of you.
>>> > >
>>> > > Put it in a load path and add the following into your .sawfishrc:
>>> > >
>>> > > (require 'mk-saw-menu)
>>> > > (write-saw-menu)
>>> > > (require 'saw-menu)
>>> > > (setq apps-menu saw-apps-menu)
>>> > >
>>> > > You can make it an executable script by uncommenting the last line in the
>>> > > mk-saw-menu.jl, i.e. (write-saw-menu) and adding the following to the
>>> > > begining and chmoding the file to +x:
>>> > >
>>> > > #! /bin/sh
>>> > > exec rep --batch "$0" "$@"
>>> > > !#
>>> > >
>>> > > Cheers
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > Hi Matthew,
>>> >
>>> > you're script is great and works like a charm.
>>> >
>>> > I also did a few small changes:
>>> >
>>> > - Added Settings Category (Otherwise System contains too many entries
>>> > and becomes too huge to be usefull (at least on my box))
>>> > - Re-orderd the Categories (System + Settings at the end for example)
>>> > - Bumped version to 0.5.2 (just for fun)
>>> >
>>> > Two thoughts:
>>> >
>>> > Also I personally don't see the point for having both Network and
>>> > Internet Submenus. And there should be an option for ignoring NoDisplay
>>> > Setting if Categories=GNOME* , as GNOME hides several stuff by default
>>> > from the menu (say: nautilus, bug-buddy, evince, eog, file-roller and
>>> > more -- Ugly, I know)
>>> >
>>> > If there are no complaints about it, I would integrate this into sawfish
>>> > (as sawfish.wm.ext.fdo-menu) and then let the user choose wether to use
>>> > the apps-menu (the updated version I've posted to the ML yesterday) or
>>> > this new menu. But I guess It's o.k.
>>> >
>>> > Updated script + Praising Screenshot (with mk-saw-menu + revamped
>>> > rootmenu (see my yesterdays post)) attached.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks a lot for your efforts,
>>> > Chris
>>> > ________________________________________________________________________
>>> > Sawfish rules!
>>> ... it does not check for duplicated entries, eg Synaptic twice in the
>>> menu, but this is just a minor glitch, not a show-stopper :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>> Ah and it should sort entries alphabetically (I promise this was the
>> last one :p)
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> _______________________________________________________________________
>> Sawfish rules!
> Thanks for the feedback and contributions.
> I have always felt the same way about Network and Internet menus, it may
> be good to merge them perhaps.
> I added two new variables at the begining,
> ignore-no-display
> want-alphebetize
> Set these as 't to use;
> - ignore-no-display will, intuitively, ignore the
> no-display entries in .desktop files, it is not tied to GNOME* entries,
> but that can be changed in the future.
> - want-alphebetize, when set to 't, will alphebetize the resulting
> entries inside the individual categories.
> The alphebetize-entries function just does a simple (sort) using
> 'string<, which doesn't ignore case, so capital letters will come
> before lower-case ones, for some reason the 'string-lessp predicate
> doesn't want to work for me...
> ignore-no-display is defaulted to '() - false in this file,
> while want-alphebetize is defaulted to 't
> bumped to 0.5.3 :)
> Thanks again,
Made some updates, and a bug fix for the alph*a*betize function, which,
other than being spelled wrong, cut off the "Settings" menu.
I also added a function that parses out the non-regular files from the
.desktop file list, so it wont read ~ and # files anymore.
Also, began to add a function in (parse-cat-list) to do specific things
for specific categories, etc.
Mattew Love
;; (mk-saw-menu.jl (v0.5.4)--- sawfish wm menu generation -- librep)
;; This file is not a part of Sawfish
;;; Description:
;; Create a sawfish wm menu from .desktop files
;; in your /usr/share/applications folder.
;;; Usage:
;; Make sure the mk-saw-menu.jl is in your load path (i.e. ~/.sawfish/lisp)
;; in your .sawfishrc file add:
;; (setq my-term-string "xterm -e ") ;; change xterm -e to your appropriate \
;; string (should have a space at the end), you can leave this out if you use \
;; xterm, as that is the default.
;; (require 'mk-saw-menu)
;; (write-saw-menu)
;; (require 'saw-menu)
;; (setq apps-menu saw-apps-menu)
;; Doing the above will update the menu each time sawfish is started
;;; TODO:
;; adhere to the desktop entry file specifications.
;; add support for field codes:
;;; Code:
; remove non-regular files from the directory-files list
(defun parse-directory-files (dir-files)
(if dir-files
(let ((this-file (car dir-files)))
(if (file-regular-p this-file)
(cons this-file (parse-directory-files (cdr dir-files)))))))
; set some defaults
(setq default-directory "/usr/share/applications"
desk-files (parse-directory-files (directory-files default-directory))
my-name ()
my-disp ()
my-term ()
my-exec ()
ignore-no-display '()
want-alphabetize 't)
(if (not (boundp 'my-term-string))
(setq my-term-string "xterm -e "))
(setq menu-cat-alist
'(("Desktop" . ("X-Desktop" "X-DesktopApplets" "X-DesktopCountry" \
"DesktopSettings" "GNOME" "KDE"))
("Personal" . ("X-Personal" "X-PersonalUtility" "Calendar" "ContactManagement"))
("Office" . ("Office" "WordProcessor" "Presentation" "X-Document" \
"TextEditor" "SpreadSheet" "Calculator" "X-Calculate" \
"Chart" "FlowChart" "Finance"))
("Network" . ("Telephony" "Network" "Dialup" "VideoConference" \
"RemoteAccess" "News" "HamRadio" "FileTransfer"))
("Internet" . ("X-Internet" "P2P" "Email" "WebBrowser" "IRCClient" "Chat" \
"InstantMessaging" "Chat" "WebDevelopment"))
("Games" . ("Game" "ActionGame" "AdventureGame" "ArcadeGame" "BoardGame" \
"BlocksGame" "CardGame" "KidsGame" "LogicGame" "RolePlaying" "Simulation"))
("Graphics" . ("RasterGraphics" "VectorGraphics" "X-GraphicUtility" \
"2DGraphics" "3dGraphics" "3DGraphics" "Scanning" "OCR" "Photography" \
"Viewer" "Publishing" "Art" "ImageProcessing"))
("Media" . ("AudioVideo" "Audio", "Video" "Midi" "Mixer" "Sequencer" "Tuner" \
"TV" "AudioVideoEditing" "Player" "Recorder" "DiscBurning" "Music"))
("Science" . ("Science" "Astrology" "ArtificialIntelligence" "Astronomy" \
"Biology" "Chemistry" "ComputerScience" "DataVisualization" \
"Electricity" "Robotics" "Physics" "Math" "Education" "Geography"))
("Development" . ("GUIDesigner" "IDE" "Profiling" "RevisionControl" \
"ProjectManagement" "Translation" "GTK" "Development" \
"Qt" "Development" "Documentation"))
("Utility" . ("X-SystemMemory" "Security" "Utility" \
"X-SetupEntry" "X-SetupUtility" "X-SystemMemory" \
"TextTools" "TelephonyTools" "Accessibility" "Clock" \
("Filesystem" . ("X-FileSystemFind" "X-FileSystemUtility" "Archiving" \
"FileManager" "X-FileSystemMount" "Compression"))
("System" . ("X-SystemSchedule" "System" "X-SystemMemory" \
"TerminalEmulator" "Dictionary" "Puppy" "Printing" "Monitor" "Security"))
("Settings" . ("Settings" "HardwareSettings" "PackageManager" "X-Xfce-Toplevel"))))
(defun parse-desktop-file (desktop-file)
(if (and (file-exists-p desktop-file) (not (file-directory-p desktop-file)))
(let ((new-file (open-file desktop-file 'read)))
(while (setq file-line (read-line new-file))
(create-menu file-line))
(if ignore-no-display
(setq my-disp '()))
(if (not (string= my-disp "true"))
(if (not (string= (string-downcase my-term) "true"))
(cons my-cat (cons my-name (cons (list 'system my-exec) nil)))
(cons my-cat (cons my-name (cons (list 'system (concat my-term-string my-exec)) nil))))
(setq my-disp ())))))
(defun fix-sub-cats (cat-list loc-list)
(if cat-list
(let ((cat-val (car cat-list)))
(if (assoc cat-val loc-list)
(cons (cdr (assoc cat-val loc-list))
(fix-sub-cats cat-list (remove (assoc cat-val loc-list) loc-list)))
(fix-sub-cats (cdr cat-list) loc-list)))))
(defun fix-cats (cat-list)
(if cat-list
(let ((cat-val (car (car cat-list)))
(c-list (fix-sub-cats (car cat-list) *loc-menu*)))
(if (car c-list)
(cons (cons cat-val c-list) (fix-cats (cdr cat-list)))
(fix-cats (cdr cat-list))))))
(defun create-menu (line)
((parse-desk-line line "Categories=")
(setq my-cat (parse-desk-line line "Categories=")))
((parse-desk-line line "Name=")
(setq my-name (parse-desk-line line "Name=")))
((parse-desk-line line "Exec=")
(setq my-exec (concat (parse-desk-line line "Exec=") " &")))
((parse-desk-line line "Terminal=")
(setq my-term (parse-desk-line line "Terminal=")))
((parse-desk-line line "NoDisplay=")
(setq my-disp (parse-desk-line line "NoDisplay=")))))
(defun build-cat-list (line) ; line must be excluding the \
; categories= part -> (substring line 11)
(if (> (length line) 1)
(let ((line-len (length line))
(this-cat (prin1-to-string (read-from-string line))))
(cons this-cat (build-cat-list (substring line (+ 1 (length this-cat))))))))
(defun parse-cat-list (cat-list)
; determine best category to use... :|
(if (cdr cat-list)
(let ((this-cat (car cat-list)))
(if (or
(string= this-cat "GNOME")
(string= this-cat "GTK")
(string= this-cat "KDE")
(string= this-cat "X-XFCE")
(string= this-cat "Qt")
(string= this-cat "Application"))
(parse-cat-list (cdr cat-list))
; to do specific things for the above entries (uncomment below, \
; and comment out the above (parse-cat-list (cdr cat-list)):
;(let ((dm-specific this-cat))
; (if (or (string= dm-specific "Application")
; (string= dm-specific "Qt")
; (string= dm-specific "GTK"))
; (parse-cat-list (cdr cat-list))
(car cat-list)))
(defun parse-desk-line (line desk-value)
(let ((line-len (length line)))
; this section is for the exec string
((and (> line-len 5) (string= desk-value (substring line 0 5)))
(if (string= (aref line (- line-len 3)) 37)
(substring line 5 (- line-len 4))
(substring line 5 (- line-len 1))))
; this section is for the category string
((and (> line-len 10) (string= desk-value (substring line 0 11)))
(let ((cat-string (parse-cat-list (build-cat-list (substring line 11)))))
; this section is for the terminal string
((and (> line-len 8) (string= desk-value (substring line 0 9)))
(substring line 9 (- line-len 1)))
; this section is for the nodisplay string
((and (> line-len 9) (string= desk-value (substring line 0 10)))
(substring line 10 (- line-len 1))))))
(defun build-saw-menu (entry)
`(defvar saw-apps-menu ',entry))
;; Alphabetize the entries in the category menus
(defun alphabetize-entries (saw-menu)
(if saw-menu
(cons (cons (car (car saw-menu)) (sort (cdr (car saw-menu)) string<)) (alphabetize-entries (cdr saw-menu)))))
(defun write-saw-menu ()
(setq *loc-menu* '())
(mapc (lambda (x)
(setq *loc-menu* (append *loc-menu* (list (parse-desktop-file x))))) desk-files)
(if (not (file-exists-p "~/.sawfish/lisp"))
(if (file-exists-p "~/.sawfish")
(make-directory "~/.sawfish/lisp")
(lambda () (make-directory "~/.sawfish") (make-directory "~/.sawfish/lisp"))))
(setq menu-file (open-file "~/.sawfish/lisp/saw-menu.jl" 'write))
(if want-alphabetize
(prin1 (build-saw-menu (alphabetize-entries (fix-cats menu-cat-alist))) menu-file)
(prin1 (build-saw-menu (fix-cats menu-cat-alist)) menu-file))
(close-file menu-file))
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