Re: GIT: how do I update my local copy?

git pull

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Allan Duncan <amd2345 fastmail com au> wrote:
> Git may be a very powerful tool for kernel developers, but I can't see how
> to get the equivalent to svn's operation:
> "git clone" makes a local repository, except that the timestamps are for
> the time of the clone, not those of the source repo.
> If I want to get any changes made to the original repo, what is the
> command needed?  I tried a few likely ones, but can't crack it.  My current
> workaround is to rename the local repo and do the clone again, then try and
> find the changes.
> I tried rtfm, but it is a bit terse and overwhelming.  A GSG might help.


Daniel M. German

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