Re: [IMPORTANT] Broken GtkCombo() in rep-gtk is fixed! [Theme-Selector works again!]

Michal Jaegermann schrieb:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:51:39AM +0200, Christopher Bratusek wrote:
The title says it all. The GtkCombos in rep-gtk work again. [Fixed in rev386]

Check out current trunk to be able to select themes from sawfish-ui again [and to bring back the other GtkCombos]:

Indeed, recompiling this revision of rep-gtk brings back a
selectable list of themes in sawfish-ui.  I previously complained
that it was missing when I was running the latest binaries.
Thanks Christopher.

OTOH when using sawfish-ui, and things were started from a terminal,
I can see now repeating messages like that:

 (call-after-property-changed 'WM_NAME ...) should probably be
(call-after-property-changed '(WM_NAME _NET_WM_NAME) ...);
use '(WM_NAME) if you really want only WM_NAME
(call-after-property-changed 'WM_NAME ...) should probably be
(call-after-property-changed '(WM_NAME _NET_WM_NAME) ...);
use '(WM_NAME) if you really want only WM_NAME
simply grep sawfish's code for WM_NAME, you'll then see what code causes the issue
Only sometimes and I do not have a recipe to cause that beyond
browsing through themes and I even cannot say which sequence of
choices will bring the above.

OTOH attempts to pick up 'mxflat' invariably end with an alert:

   Remote sawfish error: (bad-arg #<subr make-image> () 1)

The problem with mxflat is, that it is not fully installed by themes/Makefile [subdir buttons and it's subdirs are missing] so copy it manually to the themedir,
it should then work as expected.


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