Re: how about releasing sawfish-pager 0.7 ?

ritz said:     (by the date of Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:32:26 +0530)

> Thank you for you effort, and love on sawfishh :)
> Will the update be release on, and is a release date set  ?

yeah, sorry. I got a little less time, and honestly I didn't know
that sawfish pager has a site on sourceforge. I contacted Daniel
Pfeiffer (see attachment) and he didn't mention that too. Now, to
"solve" the problem we need to contact the maintainer from sourceforge
site :-)

Which I am doing right now, by sending this email to him also ;-)


there has been a new sawfish release recently and I am the current
sawfish maintaier ;-) Of course without our community's help sawfish
wouldn't grow as great as it is doing now.

So, now we, the sawfish community, want to make an updated release of
sawfish pager with some small bugfixes. Since you own the site, we need your assistance.

If you forgot about pager, or don't care, you could simple add me to
the pager project and I will take care of making a release.
Alternatively I can send you the patches and you will make the
release, whichever you prefer.

my sourceforge username is cosurgi, as you will find on

best regards.
Janek Kozicki                                                         |
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Cześć Janek!

la 28.01.2008 03:37 Janek Kozicki skribis:
Past-yesterday I made a small bugfix in sawfish-pager, then saw that
there is no place to submit a patch - the website is longtime dead.
I suppose that you are no longer interested in maintaining
Actually I got pissed off with sawfish when John started wrecking it to fulfill the minimalist Gnome wishes.  I'm still using an old version where most features are working more or less, because I have it heavily customized.  Actually I had volunteered at one point to maintain viewports, to take away his pressure to demolish them, but he was only half supportive, pretending no one needs them.  Alas my interests have since shifted to makepp, with too little time, so I'm not revolunteering.
I'm writing to ask for your permission to "take over" the code, add it
to sawfish SVN repository on sourceforge, and make a new release,
with a release annoucement on

How do you feel about that?
I'm glad to see it live on that way!
coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

lerne / learn / apprends / lär dig / ucz się    Esperanto:

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