Re: Sawfish-list Digest, Vol 32, Issue 3

> i read the WIKI and found nothing. how can i create  a Sticky
> workspace switcher on the upper-left corner of my sawfish desktop?

On debian there is the package sawfish-pager.
Just install it, then add to your sawfisrc:

i don't use Debian. i use Arch Linux.

(require 'sawfish.wm.ext.pager)
(add-hook 'after-initialization-hook pager t)

BTW, that is a pager, IIRC, a pagers switches to different pages on
same desktop. i want 3 different desktops with only 1 page on each.

then you should be able to customize it through the sawfish-ui
interface... or at least I hope so.

i dont like UIs, i like configuration files.  just wanted to mention

Linux registered user #439610

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