Re: Graphical glitch

On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 08:30:33PM -0400, Josh Babcock wrote:
> > Yeah, i wasn't very clear, the [save file] window keeps resizing when it appears,
> > it's animated... (=
> I am seeing this too. It started recently after a long overdue
> Debian/Sid upgrade. It's not crippling, but it is extremely annoying.
> The dialog opens up and then proceeds to extend maybe 100 Px to the
> right and back to its original dimensions at a frequency of a few
> hundred Hz. Focus still works, as do key clicks, but it's nearly
> impossible to mouse click in the transient region.

Got it!

It goes away if you expand the 'Browse for other folders' section.

Has anyone seen it in other distros? 
Could someone test with other gtk versions?

Rodrigo Gallardo
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