Re: window-frame-offset weirdness on 64bit OS


On Mon, 15 May 2006 23:37:37 -0700,
	John Harper <jsh unfactored org> said:

> > Here is a small patch.
> thanks, I applied your patch,

Thank you!

> > I'm using sawfish version 1.3 (+ get_x_property patch for 64bit OS)
> > and librep 0.16.2 from FreeBSD Ports collection.
> what is the get_x_property patch? Is it something that should be  
> checked in to the main repository?

No.  It is already in the main repository.  Currently I'm using
sawfish-1.3 in FreeBSD Ports Collections (not CVS head).  I need a
patch for functions.c rev 1.99 in the main repository because I'm
using FreeBSD amd64, so I manually applied the patch extracted from
the main repository.  Sorry for the confusion.

I wonder when the next version of sawfish will be released...

Yoshiaki Kasahara
kasahara nc kyushu-u ac jp

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